jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Medicine in nazi Germany. Historical Perspectives and Ethical Reflections. International Symposium Berlin October 22-24, 2014.

From 1933 to 1945, some German physicians, bioscientists, and nurses committed violations of medical and professional ethics. Knowing the past and the role played by Nazi doctors reinforces the need to stress bioethics and professionalism in the training and development of healthcare workers and we hope to provide knowledge for today that will prevent the repetition of previous errors.

By organizing a first seminar, hosted in emblematic places such as Wannsee Haus and Sachsenhausen Memorial, with keynote speakers and workshops, we can both increase knowledge of the complex history of the Medicine under the Third Reich and provide a forum for the exchange of researching and educational experiences.

Lectures and workshops:

  • Medicine without humanity.
  • The SS camp doctors.
  • Medical experiments.
  • Prisoner doctors.
  • "Aryanization" of Medicine.
  • Racial laws in nazi Germany.
  • Medicine and the Holocaust.
  • Inclusion/exclusion in medicine.
  • Murder of ill and handicapped during National Socialism.
  • Compulsory sterilization.
  • Educational programs: how to teach ethical values to our students?

Sachsenhausen Camp. Pathological Ward.
Brandenburg an der Havel Memorial (place of murder of disabled people during nazism)

House of the Conference Wannsee Berlin

For more information: http://www.medicineinnazigermany.com/

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